This was a post written on the 13th of February, just before St. Valentine's Day.
St. Valentine's Day: A simple yet painful reminder of the loneliness one experiences when without a partner to share joy and sadness with. It is absolutely mortifying if you think about it: People around you recieving gifts one after another, and you sitting alone, with nothing to pass you by but a few token yellow roses of friendship.
Come to think of it, St. Valentine's Day is indeed but a moneygrabbing scheme, where various non-living objects take on new prices to widen that already large hole in your wallet, still smouldering from exertions over Christmas. St. Valentine's Day may hold significance to the lucky few in relationships, but for the rest, it is but an ordinary day with no special meaning, except perhaps an enhanced sense of loneliness. Of course, if I were to recieve a gift, I would be very happy. =)
This was a post written on St. Valentine's Day, 14/02/07.
An absurdly uneventful day, if you are talking in terms of St. Valentine's Day. The only thing that reflected what occasion it was was Terence going around giving out free hugs and proclaiming "Happy Valentine's Day", and an interesting coincidence in that I happened to read the chapter detailing St. Valentine's Day in the seventh book of the Suzumiya Haruhi series today.
In fact, I felt nothing on the matter - I even forgot entirely about it, until I saw some girls going around with roses in hand. So I must say, the points I raised in my previous musing have come to naught - I spent more time today pondering the beauty of the stark difference in shadow and light cast by the evening sun, which was not quite dim enough for a sunset, but enough to generate wonderfully soft shadows and contrast between the light and the dark, so beautiful one could paint it. Observing sunsets, I must say, makes for a pretty interesting hobby, if somewhat weird; it is never possible to tell what you might get the next day. Oh, and best of all, it's free.
And that concludes my St. Valentine's Day musings.