Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Maintaining the Balance.

lolol 1337 5p34k 1s 4 F*CKING PIECE OF CRAP.

Just felt like venting, that's all. Hey, at least I censored that.

1337 5p34k is a language that was created last time for people to converse without being regulated (for whatever reason) - but nowadays people use it freely for absolutely no reason other than to supposedly sound cool. Other words in this class are abbreviations like "lmao" and "lol" which have made their way into common everyday speech - which means, even if something is not funny or exceedingly funny, you can never tell since everyone is just saying "lol" or "lmao" instead of laughing or staring at you half-liddedly. What emotion can be expressed from a flat one syllable word? So please, try to refrain from "loling" all over the place, and instead try to LAUGH.

Another matter on hand are plastic bags. The next time you go to a supermarket, try bringing along reusable bags instead - and if it's just one object, request not to have a plastic bag and carry it in one hand. Unless it is, of course, something too big, like a car, which on the other hand you wouldn't need a plastic bag for and can just DRIVE AWAY.

And no, the subject header is not related to the post. Thank you, and goodbye.

Signing off, Corporal Ho Wei Rong

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Spreading the Word.

Yes, it's related to anime again.

Yesterday was the NPCC Annual General Meeting - a really boring thing where people sit around and go through stuff about the previous year. However, everything was very half-hearted and most of the powerpoints were about three slides long. I spent most of my energy trying not to fall asleep.

Well, at least there was no marching. It ended prematurely, about one hour earlier - which I took advantage of to spread anime, my favourite hobby. Target? Taylor Ong Yik Sin, someone I had previously got to watch Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuutsu.

The anime I chose was Kanon, which is what I've been blogging about for the past two months. I made my way into the 2M (now 2B) classroom, which had not been locked since school closed. All needed equipment had been predetermined and was in working order. I then proceeded to show it on the projector, and there you had it: Thirty minutes of DVD quality, Not-Available-In-Singapore animation.

His reaction was expected - he found the girls undeniably cute, especially Nayuki, who is the most popular character at the moment (and I have to agree on that point, she is really very cute). He said he would watch it on YouTube - success.

Signing off.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Update 19/12/2006

This is the first post I am sharing between my LiveJournal and Blogger accounts. I think I will be continuing this in future.

Picking up from where I left off, Kanon 2006 episode 11 has just been released. Which is actually not all that big news, since like only I watch it. Why do I watch stuff that no one else does? And counting in the fact that half my contact list on MSN watches anime, that proves how big the show's fan base here is. Which is, coincidentally, not very big. Which is why I am valiantly giving my best effort to spread this wonderful anime - but nobody wants to watch it (Except angsty emo sadistic character-focused people - which Singapore is devoid of).

On another note, I have three AuditionSEA accounts now - if you have one please PM me if you see me online. They are Melvin334, Earthspace and Hitoel.

Currently my favourite quote is from AIR - and was used in a Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuutsu fan comic.

"Yukito-san... like a leaf from a tree..."

Random and very fun. It's the scene where Michiru runs headlong into Yukito's side with Misuzu looking on, in case you've forgot - unless, of course, you have not watched it, which is more probable.

Back to Kanon 2006 - since Makoto is now gone the focus, of course, has to turn to someone else. And this time it happens to be Mai. Now, the preview looks really interesting, so now I am just waiting for episode 12 to come out - the episode that marks the middle point in the anime. Now, it's been two months so I think the show is going to span four.

And just for info, I am going to elaborate on the characters now. Please skip the following parts if you hate anime, for which I do not understand why you would be on my blog at all.

  1. Aizawa Yuuichi

    The main male lead. Mysteriously, he does not seem to have romantic links with the other female characters, which is the norm in anime with a significant gender difference.
  2. Minase Nayuki

    The first girl Yuuichi meets, and his first cousin. In the style of anime Nayuki has a hair colour which significantly distinguishes her from the other characters - in this case, blue - and a hairstyle that would require a fortune in hair wax to maintain. One of the more popular characters of Kanon for her lightheadedness and character. She tends to talk slower than the other characters.
  3. Tsukimiya Ayu

    The second girl Yuuichi meets, and with the least complicated hairstyle (i.e. could actually be natural). She has a fondness for taiyaki and has a childlike nature. Her hair colour is light brown, and she has a red hairband which apparently serves no purpose other than as a hair accessory. Has a habit of saying "Uguu~", which has become a very famous catchphrase - the most famous of Kanon. She has been friends with Yuuichi from seven years ago, and has been waiting for all that time.
  4. Misaka Shiori

    A girl who first meets Yuuichi by having snow falling on her. He later has frequent liasons with her on the school grounds, which she tends to loiter around during school times. She is a first year student at the same school, but does not attend due to an apparent illness. Her hair is blackish-brown, a similar colour to Kaori's hair colour, and is another of the more natural hairstyles.
  5. Kawasumi Mai

    A very silent girl, reminiscent of Nagato Yuki, and Yuuichi's senior. He first meets her during an accident involving Mai, Sayuri, Nayuki and a flight of stairs. She shares a connection with him from seven years ago, but this has not yet been mentioned so far in the second anime adaptation. Her hair is dark blue-black, and is tied on the back with a blue ribbon.
  6. Sawatari Makoto

    A mysterious girl with seemingly no past who attacks Yuuichi out of the blue. She also shares a connection with Yuuichi from seven years ago. However, her part in the story is completed near to halfway through the episodes, and subsequently disappears physically from the anime. Her hair is reddish-brown, and is tied up on two sides with ribbons.
  7. Minase Akiko

    Nayuki's mother and only parent. She is seemingly familiar with the supernatural nature of the town, and knows how they apply to Yuuichi (which is a lot). One of her defining features is that she will give responses to questions within one second of being asked, and also her jam, which is greatly feared by Nayuki and Yuuichi.
  8. Misaka Kaori

    Nayuki's best friend and classmate along with Yuuichi, Kaori mainly features in Shiori's story and is introduced early on in the anime.
  9. Amano Mishio

    Exclusively featured in Makoto's arc. Mishio is familiar with the supernatural nature of the town, and possesses experience with it. After Makoto's arc is concluded, she seems to have changed somewhat, becoming much more open and expressive, or at least to Yuuichi.
  10. Kurata Sayuri

    Mai's best friend, and features in only Mai's arc, playing no part in the others.
  11. Kitagawa Jun

    Yuuichi's good friend, and one of the only other named male characters. Mainly serves as a plot device.

Oh, and someone should make some quiz about "Which Kanon character are you?" or something. This now is my most favourite anime because everything is just so darned cute. -.-||

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Another update.

Like yay going for a badminton game with Wilford and a few others tomorrow.

Currently I am bored and don't really do much besides watch anime (which incidentally I do very well). But watching it is no fun when you are the only one in a group of like, 100 people. That's because there's no one to discuss it with: Anime in this category for me are AIR, Kanon 2006, Zero no Tsukaima, Mahoraba, Maburaho, and a few others that do not fall into conventional categories that those who actually watch anime rarely watch. Those that like 5 out of 100 know of include Gunslinger Girl, Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuutsu (which coincidentally is incredibly highly rated), Negima!?, and a few others I cannot recall temporarily. Of course, I do watch mainstream anime, but these have plots that mainly focus on fighting. I mean, doesn't anyone like character development? Relationships and all that? Anime that fall into this category are Bleach, Naruto, Gundam SEED Destiny and Full-Metal Alchemist (which differs in that it actually posesses good plot). The only redeeming point of these kind of anime (besides Full-Metal Alchemist which, coincidentally, has quite bad animation [even though everything seems pretty bad once you've seen Kyoto Animation]) is the action. Of course, there are the anime that everybody knows about, but the problem is that these totally suck and some aren't even considered anime. Anime in this category are Inuyasha and Pokemon (which is considered by some to not be an anime but a game). Inuyasha is pretty okay but Pokemon is pretty poor. The plot of each episode focuses around six main points that you can find in detail on forums and the anime itself serves nothing more than as a money-grabbing scheme.

Okay, we end it there. Now I just watched episode 10 of Kanon 2006, which admittedly is the only anime I watch right now. I heard that most people cried when they watched this episode since Makoto disappears in this one, but I felt nothing much else than a slight tingle. That's what social conditioning and NPCC do to you. Maybe it's a good thing, but really good anime should be able to make you feel the agony of the characters which means you're really into the story, and which also means the characters are as close to human as possible. So far the only anime I have seen that come close are based off Key Game material, but even those made me feel not much other than a tingly feeling in the pit of my stomach and slight bouts of quietness afterwards. Even playing one of their games, or rather the visual novel Planetarian, didn't do much more. Maybe it's good for tissue saving, though. Problem is that anime based off their material, though made by Kyoto Animation, is not mainstream because it focuses so much on character development and is, as some would describe, "f***ing unbelieveably slow", and thus are known by, say, 1 in 100 people. The anime are AIR and Kanon 2006, incidentally.

Now for those people who actually recognised most of the anime names up there and can say that they know the plotlines, PM me. For those who so totally want me to screw off for wasting precious server space on this, PM me too. For those who don't give a damn, keep to yourselves or post your views on the little tagboard on the side.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Another update.

Okay, so now after a really long time I am updating. Wow.

Kanon episode 9 is out. As is episode 9 of Negima!?. I have watched Kanon episode 9. I have ignored Negima!? since episode 5. Death Note was out since episode 2. Perhaps my interest in this area is waning - perhaps going to manga instead. Which does not help much.

Actually since I can't play much anymore my interest in the computer and gaming is waning. So is my interest in watching the TV and playing games on the Xbox. Unfortunately, interest in my homework has not gone up, but down 20%. I'm even losing interest in drawing. And guitar. So I have all these fabulous skills and stuff to do that I am starting to dislike. Basically, at this point in time, life sucks because there is nothing I am interested in (I'm losing interest in blogging too. And I am really hungry right now but I'm too bored to get up and go and get food).

My life is dead as of 5/12/06. Wish me happiness in futility.