Saturday, January 27, 2007

About more stuff.

Hello guys.

This is the first time I've drafted out a blogpost before submitting it, but I believe a lot of people should do this as well because not everyone is interested in the fine points of your life, unless you're blogging about what you did with your boyfriend/girlfriend last night - and have pictures to show for it.

Now, about my AEP project. I have to work on a compulsory AEP (Art Elective Programme) project for Projects Day (equivalent of IRS), which I am doing together with two other people (from Mediatech, thus owning). Now, there is one emo scene in this video that I am submitting for my project. Actually, I'm doing all the scenes, but the emo scene is specifically by me since the others chose me to do the emo scene. Or rather, I am storyboarding it. However, my choreography is very time-based - I really like sunsets, and one of the scenes requires a heavy downpour. So it's like, emo scene in the sunset. A major side effect of watching too much emo anime where they can paint the background (Kanon, to be exact). But, BUT, I've seen the sunsets in Hwa Chong. They are beautiful (if you have very little clouds). Combined with the looming expanse of the school, it sets a scene for beautiful stuff to happen.

Now, to anime. Do you know what a trap is when used as an anime term? (If you do, good for you.) It's a person who looks like a girl, acts like a girl, dresses like a girl, heck, sounds like a girl but is actually a guy.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

That is a guy. Jun Watarase from Happiness!.

Terence (Tsang) describes traps as "bad for the heart". Of course, this is only possible in anime, unless you go for plastic surgery to reconstruct your entire face and probably body stature as well, after which you might be able to pull it off, and possibly even look more appealing than actual girls (it's been done, but you must be able to act well as a girl first. Really well. Being gay helps.) Then gain endless amusement from their faces when you tell them you're male.

(insert emo facial distortion here)

This will add a whole new perspective to harems other than the Itsuki class. Lol. All harem guys beware. (Except for Shiratori, who was himself the trap. Wtf.)

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

About harems.

Wouldn't it be nice to have your own personal harem? (I'm directing this at guys here, but it can apply to girls too. However, examples are less easy to find - excluding Ouran High School Host Club, which I do not watch. Therefore this applys to guys only. Lol.)

For those unfamiliar with this term, it means a single guy with a load of cute, pretty and very skilled females. Hilarity usually ensues - at the expense of the male lead - unless you are watching Kanon or Air. Or Fate/Stay Night. Upon which hilarity still ensues, albeit at the expense of other characters. Lol.

Of course, having your own personal harem means that you would have a group of really cute girls lusting over your guts. Makes you smile just thinking about it. (Maybe though, if you're Keitaro, you might want to run.) Then again, maybe they aren't really lusting after your body, but then the second type of harem comes into play, and you become really good friends with the same group of really cute and skilled girls, much to the chagrin of your fellow male classmates. (One of these is Yuuichi, who is an idiot because he cannot appreciate the fact that all of the girls he met seven years before are really really cute and adorable and just waiting for him to sweep them off their feet. Or maybe he's gay.) Of course, you could also fall into a harem with REALLY skilled and REALLY cute girls lusting after your guts, which is usually your gain. I envy you, Kyon. But Itsuki is kind of a problem there. (Your face is too close.)

If I had a personal harem though I'd be very happy about it. Then I could spend less time staring at anime and more time going out and having fun. Unless you're Yuuichi or Yukito, on which other hand you would be all sad and stuff from various parts of your harem leaving for various reasons, death etc. Very sad indeed - less cute girls to hang out and have fun with. But of course those harems are outliers - the girls are incredibly cute and have tragic pasts. Complete vulnerability, but because the guys are idiots, they do not take advantage of that fact. Normal guys, on the other hand... never mind.

Concluding, I REALLY WANT A PERSONAL HAREM. Lol. I am such a dreamer.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Happy New Year, whatever.

Yeah so it's three days late, I KNOW THAT.

The arrangement of the furniture in my home has been changed to allow for extra space in the study area and for a better flow of feng shui in and out of the kitchen and dining areas. However, after all this shifting and all, the computer is still in a common area and not in some personal place even though only I use it now. Basically, it's so I can't log on and play in the middle of the night.

I am a boring person, therefore I have nothing to blog about, be it outings, movies, games, funny weird happenings or such. Unless, of course, you consider taking about twenty pictures of the same sunset at three different levels of exposure, different zooms, and in colour, B&W and sepia tones to be interesting - if which I would tell you to go get a book on digital photography basics and go start your own photo studio.

The only thing I have ever blogged about is anime and I do not intend to change that anytime soon. However, there is nothing anime-related to blog about at the moment 'cos:

  1. Kanon episode 13's sub has not been released yet, DAMMIT;
  2. Negima!? sucks and Death Note is really boring;
  3. I have not yet watched Shakugan no Shana;
  4. I finished watching AIR about half a year ago;
  5. Fate/Stay Night is long over;
  6. I have no intention (yet) of watching anything else.

Spring 2007 also brings several new series that have recieved quite a bit of publicity, but nothing that interests me (there's a lot of yuri, incidentally). I don't think there's going to be anything good until hopefully, Summer 2007, or at least Halo 3.

So, until I've watched Shana, don't expect too much from me since I don't go out anyway.