Like yay going for a badminton game with Wilford and a few others tomorrow.
Currently I am bored and don't really do much besides watch anime (which incidentally I do very well). But watching it is no fun when you are the only one in a group of like, 100 people. That's because there's no one to discuss it with: Anime in this category for me are AIR, Kanon 2006, Zero no Tsukaima, Mahoraba, Maburaho, and a few others that do not fall into conventional categories that those who actually watch anime rarely watch. Those that like 5 out of 100 know of include Gunslinger Girl, Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuutsu (which coincidentally is incredibly highly rated), Negima!?, and a few others I cannot recall temporarily. Of course, I do watch mainstream anime, but these have plots that mainly focus on fighting. I mean, doesn't anyone like character development? Relationships and all that? Anime that fall into this category are Bleach, Naruto, Gundam SEED Destiny and Full-Metal Alchemist (which differs in that it actually posesses good plot). The only redeeming point of these kind of anime (besides Full-Metal Alchemist which, coincidentally, has quite bad animation [even though everything seems pretty bad once you've seen Kyoto Animation]) is the action. Of course, there are the anime that everybody knows about, but the problem is that these totally suck and some aren't even considered anime. Anime in this category are Inuyasha and Pokemon (which is considered by some to not be an anime but a game). Inuyasha is pretty okay but Pokemon is pretty poor. The plot of each episode focuses around six main points that you can find in detail on forums and the anime itself serves nothing more than as a money-grabbing scheme.
Okay, we end it there. Now I just watched episode 10 of Kanon 2006, which admittedly is the only anime I watch right now. I heard that most people cried when they watched this episode since Makoto disappears in this one, but I felt nothing much else than a slight tingle. That's what social conditioning and NPCC do to you. Maybe it's a good thing, but really good anime should be able to make you feel the agony of the characters which means you're really into the story, and which also means the characters are as close to human as possible. So far the only anime I have seen that come close are based off Key Game material, but even those made me feel not much other than a tingly feeling in the pit of my stomach and slight bouts of quietness afterwards. Even playing one of their games, or rather the visual novel Planetarian, didn't do much more. Maybe it's good for tissue saving, though. Problem is that anime based off their material, though made by Kyoto Animation, is not mainstream because it focuses so much on character development and is, as some would describe, "f***ing unbelieveably slow", and thus are known by, say, 1 in 100 people. The anime are AIR and Kanon 2006, incidentally.
Now for those people who actually recognised most of the anime names up there and can say that they know the plotlines, PM me. For those who so totally want me to screw off for wasting precious server space on this, PM me too. For those who don't give a damn, keep to yourselves or post your views on the little tagboard on the side.