Tuesday, September 19, 2006


Today marks the start of a new project: The creation of a website utilizing various mediums to accumulate ACE points for the fulfilment of the Infocomm Studies ACE limit. I will be obtaining the help of various sources, besides the Infocomm Studies teacher, to help us with the fulfilment of this task. This project will be done in conjunction with another student, Justin Salim, and will guarantee maximum ACE for our final grade. This will in turn make our parents enamoured and satisfied. The drafting process has been designated to Justin, proceeding which I will then go through a second vetting process, and then proceed to the final stage of creation, coding. I will utilise a combination of Hypertext Markup Language, Cascading Style Sheets, PHP Hypertext Preprocessors and Javascript, as well as Macromedia Flash, Fireworks and Dreamweaver to obtain a final product worthy of this grade.

I have no idea what the above paragraph means and I have no intention of understanding either. Even though I wrote it myself.

"Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu" is complete. Now for Kanon Tv. 2. :|

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